The Verwood and District Potteries Trust

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Dorset Country Pottery

By Jo Draper and Penny Copland-Griffiths £20.00 including postage and packing.

The caption to this image reads: 'Emily the Harvest Girl' is the original caption to this watercolour by F. Richards, painted in 1885. She holds a Verwood costrel slung from a leather thong, and holds a rake and a little bunch of wheat in the other hand. The realism of the painting - her boots, poor clothes and tired look - puts the costrel in its proper context. The cottages suggest Wiltshire. Her wooden rake (a smallish one) is of the type known as a hay rake, but these were also used for raking up corn and other jobs.

Emily wears an old, trimmed hat, a shawl, short smock or jumper and a soiled skirt.  She has overlarge boots.  She stands on a rough field path in front of two thatched cottages and two trees, probably poplars. Buy this book.